Friday, October 21, 2016

Week 10 Update


What a busy week we have had!

In Social Studies, we wrapped up our study of medieval Islam by discussing the Crusades and watched this great video by John Green that asks, "Were the crusades a pilgrimage or a holy war? Or both?"

In English, we participated in a Pop-Up Debate about whether or not self-driving cars will be good for America.  We practiced not only using a voice appropriate for the task and space but also on making purposeful and consistent eye contact while speaking. It's great to see students lose some of their anxiety about public speaking as we make this a consistent routine!

We also launched our first major analytical essay about The Giver. Students will be analyzing whether it's worth it to sacrifice diversity and choice for the benefits of "Sameness" as experienced in Jonas's community in The Giver. This week we wrote thesis statements, collected textual evidence, and practiced the difficult skills of crafting context and lead-ins. Next week we will tackle reasoning (analysis) and conclusion paragraphs.

This weekend, could you please check in with your student to make sure they have completed the following in the digital graphic organizer for the essay:

  1. Thesis statement
  2. Claim, context, lead-in, and evidence for paragraph A
  3. Claim, context, lead-in, and evidence for paragraph B

Please also note that there are video mini-lessons linked in the graphic organizer just in case students need a refresher on the various parts of the paragraph.

Due Date Alert!
Formal Book Review #2 is due on Monday 10/24!

Have a great weekend, Explorers!
Mrs. Ellis 

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